If you are a UK based organisation and your entry is for an overseas project, please visit our international category page by clicking here.

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Best Practice Categories 

Recognising progress against Actions 1-4 of the Ad Net Zero Action Plan: These awards look at the best examples of positive changes in the way the industry is working, from the day-to-operations of an organisation including shifts in culture as well as practices, to ad production, ad distribution and measures to reduce the negative environmental impact from events and through fresh approaches to awards.

This award will recognise best practice in building a more sustainable way of working within an organisation. It is open to all companies and split into five sub-categories. We are looking for examples of leadership that should be encouraged and adopted more broadly by our industry.

The five sub-categories are:

  • Sustainability Best Practice Award - Ad Tech Services
  • Sustainability Best Practice Award - Agency
  • Sustainability Best Practice Award - Advertiser/Brand
  • Sustainability Best Practice Award - Media Owner
  • Sustainability Best Practice Award - Production/Experiential
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We will be looking for evidence of how the carbon footprint of a media plan was considered, what information was used to inform choices about different media channels, whether there was a carbon value attached to the media plan, whether that was accounted for or off-set, if any media decisions can demonstrate a reduction in carbon without impacting the reach and performance of the campaign.

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We will be looking for evidence of how the decisions made around the development and delivery of an event and/or awards was informed by information about the carbon involved in its different aspects, whether a tool like a carbon calculator was used to track this carbon, how decisions helped to reduce the carbon impact and examples of best practice for future events.

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We will be looking for evidence of steps taken to measure, reduce and report and carbon involved in the production of advertising. This could include reports from carbon calculators such as the one offered by AdGreen, along with details on decisions made to actively reduce carbon from ad production while maintaining the full creative impact.

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Innovation Categories 

A company less than three years old - founded after 1 January 2021

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A company which is demonstrating year-on-year improvements from a long-running campaign

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Sector Categories 

Recognising progress against Action 5 of the Ad Net Zero Action Plan: These awards explore how a net zero economy is being supported through examples of the industry’s work to create positive behaviour change. In this work, it will be critical to show an understanding of the sustainability problem you seek to solve, how the campaign has addressed this and led to a better outcome, while also supporting the commercial goals of the organisation.

The specialist categories for entries are mapped against the key sectors of the net zero economy and entries can be for work that is B2C or B2B or a combination of both.

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